1903 Atlas

1903 Atlas

Description: The entire 1903 atlas is available to view, download, or print any or all pages. Enjoy a trip into the past!

File Size: 343.6MB
Download: 17.64x22.13

1995 Atlas

1995 Atlas

Description: The entire 1995 atlas is available to view, download, or print any or all pages. Enjoy a trip into the past!

File Size: 118MB
Download: 17.64x22.13

Go to data download page

Downloadable Data

Description: This download contains all currently published GIS Layers. The data can be downloaded as an ESRI File Geodatabase or individual shapefiles. This downloadable data is updated on a monthly basis. Running the executable will allow you to choose where to save the data.

Go to County Basemap


Description: Basemap is intended for users that require a comprehensive and broader view of county information. This comprehensive nature allows users to view and access more information across many departments such as: Assessor, 911 Administration, Co. Clerk, and others.

Current and historical cemeteries


Description: This is a county-wide map showing locations of cemeteries that are considered historical and current.

Download: 11x17

Individual city maps


Description: A map showing city limits and municipal features; schools, fire departments, law enforcement, parks, airports, hospitals, post offices, and golf courses.

EMS Districts

EMS Districts

Description: A map showing city limits and municipal features; schools, fire departments, law enforcement, parks, airports, hospitals, post offices, and golf courses.

Download: 8.5x11 || 11x17

Fire Districts

Fire Districts

Description: A county-wide map showing the fire district boundaries, fire station locations, and major roads. Contact information for administrative services for each district are provided.

Download: 8.5x11 || 11x17

Basic county map with general features

General County Map

Description: This county-wide map shows general features such as: locations of cities and major roads in the county.

Download: 8.5x11 || 11x17

Number of household units per census block

Household Units Per Census Block

Description: A county-wide map showing the household units per census block in graduated color as determined by the 2010 census.

Download: 8.5x11 || 11x17

Lakes, Streams, and Watersheds

Hydrological Units and Watersheds

Description: A county-wide map showing the streams, lakes, hydrological units, and watersheds present in the county.

Download: 8.5x11 || 11x17

JP Districts - Overview

JP Districts - County Wide

Description: This map shows the districts for the Justice of the Peace throughout the county and information pertaining to the JP.

Download: 8.5x11 || 11x17

Individual JP Districts

JP Districts - Individual

Description: The individual maps available for download shows each of the JP Districts and surrounding region. For viewing a specific district, select from the dropup list.


Go to Parcels site


Description: The Parcels site is a focused interactive web map, that provides users the ability to search and view parcel information. Users can also retrieve survey plats and section maps, if needed.

Map of population per census block

Population Per Census Block

Description: A county-wide map showing the population per census block in graduated color as determined by the 2010 census.

Download: 8.5x11 || 11x17

County recycling centers

County Recycling & Disposal Centers

Description: A county-wide map showing the county’s recycling and hazardous waste disposal facilities and corresponding contact information.

Download: 8.5x11 || 11x17

Go to Road Dept

Road Dept. Interactive Map

Description: This interactive map is intended to show yearly road assessment conditions throughout Benton County. Users can view current work status on certain roads or view reassessed road conditions.

School locations and districts

School Locations & Districts - Countywide

Description: This overview map shows school locations throughout the county, as well as school district boundaries.

Download: 8.5x11 || 11x17

Individual school locations

School Locations & Districts - Individual

Description: These maps were created to show individual school districts and the schools contained in that district.


Section maps

Section Maps

Description: This is an overview map of Benton County was created to show all townships, sections, and ranges across the county.

Enter S-T-R:

Overview of S-T-R

Section Township Range - Overview

Description: This county-wide map was created for the intended purpose of referencing section, township, and range divisions in Benton County, Arkansas.

Download: 11x17 || 24x36

Go to Sex Offenders site

Sex Offenders

Description: Sponsored by the Benton County Sheriff's Department, the Sex Offenders Map is a collaboration of multiple Law Enforcement agencies in Benton County all working together to make sure public awareness about Sex Offenders remains at as high a level as intended by the law.

Map of siren locations

Siren Locations

Description: This overview map of Benton County shows current siren locations that are placed throughout the county.

Download: 8.5x11 || 11x17

Districts of house representatives

House of Representative Districts

Description: This county-wide map shows the Arkansas House of Representatives for each district in Benton County.

Download: 8.5x11 || 11x17

Map of senate districts

Senate Districts

Description: Using this overview map, one can find their senator and district boundary information for their location in Benton County.

Download: 8.5x11 || 11x17

Go to storm shelter registration site

Storm Shelter Registration Form

Description: The Benton County Storm Shelter Registry provides information to emergency responders to help them locate citizens after a natural disaster.

Go to property info search

Property Information Search

Description: The Benton County Property Information Tool provides expanded information about a property including ownership information, acreage, current deed, survey plats, eletected officals and school district information based on address, parcel number, or parcel owner name. This tool will work on all devices including phones and tablets.

Zip code map

Zip Code Areas

Description: This map of Benton County, Arkansas zip codes was created for public use where one can view the current boundaries of their zip code or adjacent areas.

Download: 8.5x11 || 11x17